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Ramona – Gabriela M. – “I waited for results after using this product, and they started to appear.”

I waited for results after using this product, and they started to appear.

I used it on my husband’s head, because when I received the package I’d recently had my hair dyed and I couldn’t wait to test it. In this regard I sent my husband to have a short haircut and I instructed him on using it.

He started using the product on 21st April and I was already amazed by the fact that his crew cut hair started to take on the colour it had 10 years ago, that is blond, gained density and got coarser to the touch, it even started to grow on the front of the head where he had a small bald spot. I will exemplify the phases via the e-mail that I will send with the results.

I’m a little jealous of my husband’s head that has started to rejuvenate and I hope that I will be able to use it myself too when I’ll have the money. Radu Moraru, you are a man who knows how to boost the morale and I feel encouraged and optimistic during this business initiated by you.

I am sending you attached a set of pictures displaying my husband’s head, as he was the one who tested the product. I’m neither a professional photographer nor a computer buff. Not long ago I sent back to you video no.9, although I wanted to send it to another person in order to collaborate. I hope you’ll overlook my clumsiness and blunders made without intention.



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