Radu Moraru – “Maybe you forgot how I was before using Forget White”
“Maybe you forgot how I was before using Forget White”
Be loved!
Radu Moraru
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Good evening, dear FORGET WHITE team! I must confess that I am super excited about this treatment. After using the first bottle,... read more
Hello, These are the results… I was shocked when I saw the change, and I was very happy that it worked!... read more
Good afternoon! My husband has been using the oil. He applies the product every evening after the recommended routine (washing,... read more
This is the result after finishing two products, consistently applying the treatment twice a day. I have a dense hair... read more
Good evening, I promised that after my subject would have a haircut, I would send you another set of photos. I... read more
Motto: When you have a natural and healthy product like Forget White, you use it until you die. I couldn't test... read more
My sister had her hair cut short, and I saw it happen firsthand. I observed the results from 25th April... read more
Be loved! Radu Moraru read more
Hello! I’m sending you pictures after 19 days of treatment. I noticed that dandruff disappeared, the hair density increased, instead... read more
Hello, Our results came more slowly but after two weeks they are visible. I started with a short haircut but after the... read more
Comments (1)
Uleiul Forget White m-a ajutat la regenerarea scalpului prin eliminarea mătreții, eliminarea bubițelor de pe scalp și îndesirea părului. Pielea mâinii a fost uscată și arsă de detergenții /dezinfectanții din comerț și după utilizarea uleiului este elastică și lucioasă. Recomand cu încredere acest produs.