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Andrei Gheorghe B. – “He has completely gotten rid of dandruff”

After using the product for 13 days, I noticed that the person on whom I tested the product has completely gotten rid of dandruff. I want to mention that this person had a lot of dandruff, almost like a crust on the scalp, and now his scalp is fully restored. Regarding the hair, I observed that the natural hair colour is coming through from the roots, while the ends remain white. This indicates that the product is working, but we are waiting for another haircut to see the results more clearly. So far, the most noticeable results are at the back, as at the sides seems to take effect a bit more slowly. I must mention that I used the products exactly as specified. In the first week, the person was treated with the product twice a day, and in the following weeks, only once a day in the evening.

I also want to mention that I have photos from all the days of application, as well as videos, but I only sent pictures from the first and last day because the videos are too large to be uploaded via email. The most visible results I have noticed are: much faster hair growth and complete disappearance of dandruff.



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