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Simina Claudia P. – “Her hair seems denser, it is very soft, and 50% of it has turned black.”

I tried the oil on my mother, who is 74 years old (the oil is 100% natural) also because my mother has had a very strong allergy to any kind of hair dye since her youth, even to certain shampoos. The reaction manifested through swelling of the ears, lips, eyes, and her whole face, making her look like a little monster😁. For over 15 years, my mother hasn’t dyed her hair. She lost a significant amount of hair, it was white, and now she is the happiest. She used the oil for 2 months, every day, with daily washing and applying it once. She had no allergic reactions, her hair seems denser, it is very soft, and 50% of it has turned black. I used the oil on my eyebrows and got rid of the white hairs. I should mention that before using the oil, I had been dyeing my eyebrows every 2 weeks for 5 years to cover the white hairs, and they have become denser. The surprise is that my mother had been struggling with a corn on her toe, which was very painful. She had tried everything from pharmacies for years, and after applying the oil, it dried up, fell off, and she got rid of the unbearable pain.



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