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Florina C. – “At this point, the percentage of completely white hairs is very small.”

I have finished testing the product and I’m sending you the results. I tested it on myself, as I had a lot of white hairs (as you can see in the first four photos). Since my hair is long, it was more challenging in terms of washing, drying, and trying to use the product as efficiently as possible. Unfortunately, I didn’t have anyone else to test it instead of me. Although I initially planned to have my hair cut very short to make the process easier, it was impossible because the man I live with does not like women with short hair! Still, I managed to trim some of the length, as my hair was even longer, but I couldn’t negotiate cutting it any shorter. I applied the product only once a day, in the evening before bed, and washed my hair in the morning before going to work. Here’s how it worked for me: after about three weeks of using the oil, some of the white hairs started to take on a golden shade at first. Then, gradually, they became darker and darker. At this point, the percentage of completely white hairs is very small. So, the recolouring process happened gradually, not all white hairs changed at the same time. Additionally, during this period, my hair grew faster than usual, and I noticed a lot of new hair growth. However, the amount of hair I lose remains the same as before, and my strands are still soft and thin. For about 15 years, I’ve been using an anti-dandruff shampoo recommended by my dermatologist, with fairly good but not 100% effective results. What bothered me the most, though, was a specific unpleasant scalp odour caused by dandruff, even right after washing. Now, both the dandruff and the unpleasant smell have disappeared.



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