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Dumitra S. – “The product has worked for me, even though I was completely grey.”

Hello! I believe I might be a slightly more difficult case. I started turning grey at the age of 28 and have been completely white for about 10-15 years. My hair is not very long but not very short either, about 15-20 cm in length. It is curly, very soft, thin, and fragile. I have been dyeing my hair for 30 years, and recently, I noticed that I was losing a lot of hair when washing it. That didn’t deter me and decided to test the product on myself. I feel that the time has come to share my results with you. I only apply the product once a day and leave it on for 24 hours. I cannot apply it twice because my scalp cannot handle being washed twice a day. The first bottle lasted me three weeks. As I write this, I have started the second bottle, and I must say that I am very pleased.
1-The product has worked for me, even though I was completely grey.
2-My hair no longer falls out when washing, it stopped falling from the very first application.
3-My nail cuticles have disappeared, so I no longer have to worry about them.
4-I also use it on my eyebrows, though the situation there is not as “severe.”
I am attaching two photos to this email, one photo is taken before I started using the product and the second taken three weeks after I began using it.



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