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Steliana D. – “We noticed the appearance of many black hairs”


I am writing to you after completing the one-month period during which I used the two products I received. My mother was the one who tested them. In the first week, she applied them twice a day, and then only once, in the evening. I took pictures weekly.

Now, I will tell you about the effects we noticed:

1.The COMPLETE disappearance of scalp itching, which we had been struggling with for several years, trying to buy shampoos and hair dye as natural as possible.

2.The appearance of many black (original colour) hairs, very strong and spiky. She also noticed that, during washing, only the white hairs fall out, and even those are few.

3.The nails are very strong, grow very quickly, and are very clean and healthy (they used to be fragile and often attacked by a fungus that was hard to get rid of, not anymore!).

4.Out of curiosity, my mother tried the oil on her painful shoulders and spine (by wiping off the excess oil left on her hands) and was amazed to notice that THE PAIN IS GONE!

This is the effect she likes the most! If you have similar issues, give it a try! I’m really curious if it works for someone else as well! I should mention that my mother will turn 80 this autumn. Her hair has been grey for some time, but as I’ve described (and you will see in the photos), the results are visible even after just one month. So, both my mother and I thank you for this miracle product! Godspeed!



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