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Cristian I. – “After just three weeks, the results are visible to the naked eye”

I write to you quite late as I’ve had some misadventures with the person to whom my two partners and I initially decided to give the product for testing. Together, we chose a public figure with influence across multiple social groups, etc. Although this person had initially agreed to the conditions (daily filming or recording each application, weekly photos, applying the product at least once a day, massaging for 8-10 minutes after bathing, and ensuring the scalp was perfectly dry), the subject kept delaying sending the required photos and videos. Because of this, we requested the products back, and my wife, Ivan Ana-Maria, who had long hair at the time, decided to cut it, not very short, but just enough to ensure the product wouldn’t be wasted. She started applying it on 18th May, sometimes twice a day, other times only once, depending on her available time. During this period she noticed that her hair no longer fell out. Before using the product, she would lose a handful of hair every time she washed or brushed it. Now, only a few strands fall out, which is perfectly normal. After just three weeks, the results are visible to the naked eye (see the attached photo). However, she had to stop the application as she developed irritation and some uncomfortable spots on her scalp. We are unsure whether this is due to the oil or not. We are waiting for them to clear up before resuming the application. Respectfully, Cristian IVAN

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