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Arhire Mihail L. – “I can’t even describe the happiness on her face when she saw the results!”

Motto: When you have a natural and healthy product like Forget White, you use it until you die.

I couldn’t test it on myself because I only have three white hair strands, so I tested it on my mother, who is 52 years old. Her hair has been half-white for about 15-20 years, and she had been dyeing it for a few years. However, she hasn’t dyed it since last October, and I want to tell you that we saw visible results after just 10 days! Even strangers noticed the change. One important observation is that after just three days of treatment, her hair loss stopped. I can’t even describe the happiness on her face when she saw the results. We followed all the steps carefully-washing, drying well, and massaging for two minutes on each side, twice a day, in the morning and evening. The photos were taken in the same spot, under strong, cool white LED lighting to ensure clarity. I should mention that new black hairs are growing in and growing very fast, though they might not be visible in the pictures. In reality, the hair appears slightly darker than in the photos. The growth process has been very fast, no more hair falls out during washing, and it feels much softer and thicker. We understand that this will take time, given how white her hair was, but we won’t stop until it’s completely black, no matter how long it takes. When you have a natural and healthy product like ForgetWhite, you use it until you die. My father has also started using ForgetWhite, although he only has a few white hairs and is half bald. He began the treatment to prevent greying, and God willing, to promote hair growth, even if it takes time. Visible results can already be seen on his hands, which looked quite rough after years of working in construction. In just two weeks, they improved significantly. Other remarkable results include my uncle, who, after using the product twice a day for a month, started to experience visible repigmentation. His moustache, which was completely white, turned entirely black, and the darkening process is spreading around his mouth and across his beard. Not to mention the new hair appearing on his bald spots—though they are currently white, I assume they will change colour over time. We are eagerly waiting to see what other surprises ForgetWhite has in store for us in the future. God bless! I apologise for my lengthy account and hope these observations are useful for you and our partners. The best is yet to come.

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