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Mihaela P. –  “Super Forget White hair oil! I regained my natural pigment and hair strength! Goodbye red spots!”

I resumed the treatment with the Forget White Forte-mentholated formula oil during the period from 1st October to 1st November 2024. I started with a scalp covered in red spots, excessive seborrheic dermatitis (sebum was running down my forehead and into my eyes), and severe hair loss. The hair loss stopped within the first two days of using the Forget White oil.

Then, I continued the full treatment for two months, and the results were as expected: my hair strands repigmented, becoming stronger and thicker from the root, I got rid of seborrheic dermatitis and the red spots on my scalp. I noticed new hair growth, initially appearing as fine, pigmented fuzz. These new hairs were thin at first, but after two months, they thickened at the root and regained their natural pigment. Between 1st December 2024 and 1st February 2025, I continued the treatment with two bottles of the Forget White Fitokeratine formula. The number of visible hairs on my scalp kept increasing. My hair is now stronger, thicker, and naturally pigmented. My scalp is clean—no dandruff, no excess sebum, and no red spots.

I highly recommend the Forget White Forte and Forget White Phytokeratine oils because, in addition to all the benefits mentioned in the product insert-revitalization of hair strands and scalp-they also contribute positively to overall well-being, self-confidence, and self-image. Having shiny, beautiful, well-cared-for hair using natural products is essential for the image we create for ourselves and the people we interact with socially.

Use the Forget White Forte and Forget White Phytokeratine oils with confidence and appreciation!

Mihaela Popa

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